

Version: 1.2.5
by xfer Records

OTT by Xfer Records is a unique and versatile multiband compressor that is widelyregarded as one of the best free plugins available. The plugin provides transparent and powerful compression, making it a must-have for any music producer. With its flexible controls, you can create anything from subtle compression to aggressive, distorted sounds.

Features of OTT:


Good Performance

Quality Sound

What to use OTT for?

Multiband Compression: Utilize OTT to apply multiband compression to your audio. This plugin excels at bringing out the details in each frequency range by dynamically adjusting the compression levels. It can help tighten up your mix and add clarity to individual elements.
Vocal Enhancement: Apply OTT to vocal tracks to enhance their presence and impact. By fine-tuning the Depth, Time, and Output parameters, you can achieve a more upfront and polished vocal sound. It's especially useful for genres like EDM and pop where vocals need to cut through the mix.
Punchy Drums: Use OTT on drum tracks, such as kicks and snares, to add punch and impact. By applying moderate compression and adjusting the Time and Depth settings, you can emphasize the attack and body of the drums, making them stand out in the mix.
Synth Texture Enrichment: Apply OTT to synth textures or chords to enhance their complexity and fill out the sound. By carefully adjusting the Amount and Time controls, you can add a touch of dynamic movement and excitement to your synth parts.
Mix Glue and Saturation: Utilize OTT as a mix glue effect by applying it subtly on the master bus or subgroups. The compression characteristics of OTT can help gel the mix elements together and add a touch of saturation, giving your overall mix a cohesive and polished sound.

Free VST Plugins for
Music Production